Thursday, July 1, 2010

Some Mountain fun

Sorry it has been quite a while since my last post, but I haven't been very motivated to do much of anyway....

My sister-in-law came over from Denver, with her family, to pick up the camper trailer only to discover that they needed to do some additional things to their Pilot before they could haul it up over a few mountain passes. So with the extra day to spend with them we decided to do some ATV riding up at Ouray. What fun! Here are some snapshots of the beautiful mountain views.

Snow on the ridgeline of the mountain near Red Mountain Pass

Whats left of an avalance on the drive up to Yankee Boy Basin

One of the many waterfalls

Beautiful morning...just a bit of haze

Nice beautiful blue clouds in sight

the kids loved the drive especially this part...well for the most part the actual four wheeling Brett didn't care for at all ~ sorry no pictures of that - my camera ran out of batteries :(

my niece Kelsey

Beautiful...we are almost above timberline

we loved this waterfall

the water nice and cold...wouldn't want to be in it

my favorite picture

What we drove...actually ours is already parked...this is Charissa, Jay and the girls

Charissa and I

Jes and I

And of course we had to stop and check out the water fall from the highway on our way home

We found our rainbow but not our pot of gold :(

Wishing we had more time to spend together but am looking forward to going to Denver/Fort Collins for some major birthday parties at the end of July!!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost vacay time!

6 more days of working with kids ~ then I am off for the summer and I so can't wait! I am so glad that tomorrow is a play day at school. Hoping the weather is great!

Not quite sure what's in store for the summer...maybe a trip to Vegas, visit some family and just hang out at home.

What I am thankful for...
  • school almost done and summer break will be starting soon
  • nice weather ~ especially for wearing flip flops
  • friends to go to dinner with
  • mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • longer daylight hours
what are you thankful for?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Memorial for my mom

It hasn't been a year yet since my mom has been gone and we miss her so very much. Mother's Day for me this year was a hard one but I know she was with us. She was a special lady to people she met. All the wonderful people I work with dedicated a Memorial Stone in her honor. It was a very special event and here are some photos ~ minus the stone will get that picture up later as soon as I find a copy.

The plaque I received thanking her for her service to her country ~ this was given to me by the Southern Ute Veterans

This is the shawl I also received from the Veterans ~ it is just beautiful - The Circle of Life along with the flag all I can say is "Awesome"


Friday, April 30, 2010

Washington DC - a few pictures...long time in getting them posted :(

Well here are some of the pictures we took from our trip to Washington D.C. - if you have never been there you need to check it out.  We didn't get to see everything we wanted so someday we will make another trip out there hopefully

We are standing in front of the White House But you really can't see the house very well.  The person who took this forgot to include it...she was concentrating more on us I guess.

This is the Captial Building (the back side) as seen from The National Mall


Washington Monument...It is really huge! We didn't get a chance to go inside for the tour...maybe someday we will.

Lincoln Memorial. The reflecting pool was drained :( 
There is Jes and Brett...

A picture of the Washington Monument and the Veterans Memorial

The kids standing in front of Lincoln


The worlds 6th largest Cathedral - Washington Cathedral

The carving inside the Cathedral is exquisite

Gargoyles on the outside which Brett found fasinating

Of course we had to go to China Town for some very delicious sushi - mmmm!
Same place just taken at night

A bronze statue taken from inside of The American Indian Smithsonian - their most recent museum

The Capital taken from Capital Hill (front side)

Guards posted every where (front and back) they stand there all day!

The figure on top of the Capital - "Freedom" is his name

Picture of George Washington on the ceiling of the Rotunda

Another shot - the Rotunda is where people can pay their respect for presidents who have passed away.
The tour inside the Capital is pretty cool. It all starts underground.

A picture of the lamp posts around the Capital

Brett's fun picture! He is holding the Washington Monument in his hands :)

There is so many more pictures we took and maybe sometime I will post more but this is all for now

Friday, February 12, 2010

Heat Wave today

Thank goodness we had a nice day today temp was in the low forties...HEAT WAVE hee hee

Friday, January 22, 2010

Snowstorm Jan 2010

Well the snow has come here are some pictures so you can say "wow did they get snow!"

the river from my back yard

the Purple Cliffs from my back yard

the deck

another view from the deck

can't tell to well but this is the end of my driveway - I was plowed in glad I didn't have to go to work

my mailbox that always gets burried -good thing we dug it out last night might have not found it today (hee hee)

the snow again this morning - shoveled the front pathway last night at 11:30pm but gave up doing the rest was to tired you can see the difference

All the snow on top of the truck will clear it tomorrow - just plain tuckered out today to do it

the view of my house from the street - should've seen it yesterday - was knee deep in some places (like at the end of my driveway) - check out the snow in the bed of my truck it is over flowing

my buddy George - he gets the job done!  What would I do without him - probably still be shoveling!
BTW see the big mound of snow that's Brett's sledding hill he discovered later. He enjoyed sledding onto the street - only when no cars were coming which was not very often

the driveway - cleared at last with the help of George and Cody

there's my mailbox - now we can reach it - Brett is hoping his boyscout uniform arrives soon!

the view from my front porch

the trees in my front yard - my rose bushes almost completely covered (lower right corner)

the boys in the front yard

Brett sitting in the front yard on top of the snow - said his boomerang in under all the snow - he said he'll see it again in May (hopefully LOL)

Cody - I'm glad I'm done with working!!