Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our new Toy

We went to Farmington yesterday...just to get out of the house...it quite wasn't the same without my mom...but it is all part of picking up the pieces and starting over.

Anyway the kids and I went to American Home Furnishings to look for some bar stools and an umbrella for the table outside. Didn't find any so then we went to the Mall just to window shop. We enter in at Dillard's and I remembered that a friend of mine has her bridal registry at Dillard's. (She is getting married in September). So as I was waiting for some help Jessica noticed "THE JUICER" the exact one I had been looking for on-line but seemed to be "out of stock". Boy did this make my day...Cody said "mom we should get that" so that is what I did.

So guess what we have done today...play with our new toy. We made juice from strawberries, grapes, honeydew, apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, and lettuce.


We want to try adding some cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, and other veggies along with watermelon, pears, peaches, and other fruits. Cody will definitely have his daily servings of veggies this way...so he said.

The best part is drinking our creations...and clean up is not too bad...fairly easy and I like that!!


  1. that sounds yummy! i have been making smoothies with the blender. my kids won't touch the stuff, though. more for me!
    glad you got out.
    let's go out again this weekend!

  2. Yeah! I didn't know you blogged! I love reading them and am so glad I get to enjoy yours.

    The juicer sounds incredible. How fun!

    Mark told me a lot about your mom's memorial and she sounds like one incredible woman. He was so impressed by all the things she was able to do for the Lord and by all the people she touched. What a gift she was to so many people. I am praying for you guys as you go through this time.

    Looking forward to getting to know you guys better through the blog world :)
