Here are the kids at the entrance getting ready for some fun...can you tell how excited they are...I can't but maybe it is because the sun was in their eyes
They claim this is the best ride in the park
The kids and I enjoyed our time in Denver shopping, playing, and visiting with family. We returned home yesterday after a very, very, very long trip home. I was not feeling well at all diarrhea, nausea, chills, and just plain miserable...I had to have Jessica drive all the way from Saguache to home. I thank God that Jessica made it safely home and that she can drive otherwise I don't know how we would have made it home. When we got home I went straight to bed. Today I feel a little better and that is good because I had to return to work today. I don't have any more nausea thanking the Lord for that. I am praying for the diarrhea to stop. It is much better than yesterday but it is still here.
Anyway my first day back at work was fun. We went to Towaco today to see the Ute Mountain Ute Pottery store. We had a tour from the start to finish of the production of making pottery. Pretty the end of the tour we got to see how they "hand paint" ALL of the pottery. Truly amazing. After our tour we had the opportunity to make our own design on our mugs. I didn't have my camera so I will post a picture when I get the mug maybe by next week. I did purchase a pot because I couldn't resist! I even got a discount which was a blessing. My mug is not even close by a long shot. Not bad for my first day back to work! Tomorrow is going to be a loooooooong day.
i rode the slingshot once. so fun! take off is the best part.