I am so thankful for him. He keeps me laughing when I feel like crying some days. I can't imagine my life without him.
See what I mean?
Today my heart broke because when I got home he was crying. I asked what had happened and he told me that some kids on the bus were mean to him. Saying that his name was "a girlie name" and that his clothes looked stupid. In the process someone else was spitting spitballs at him. Then he had to walk a short distance from the bus stop to the house and one of the kids got off with him and started kicking rocks at him. Well let me tell you that when this mama heard all of it I was ready to do some serious damage. Even his sister and brother were ready too. Fortunately for those little kids I didn't find them. Anyways I reminded Brett of all the wonderful qualities he has such as...
great kid
just to name a few...I mean seriously WHO WOULD WANT TO BE MEAN TO THIS SWEET BOY?! He has been through so much in his young life yet he is still this sweet, precious, innocent, loving son. He has been such a blessing to me. Thank you Lord for giving me such a precious gift to care for and cherish.

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