Sorry all for not posting in quite some time. Time just seems to go by to fast for me. As a matter of fact we are already 18 days into a new year YIKES! Since it is a new year I have decided that I will TRY to keep my blog updated more often...TRY is the operative word LOL!
Just thought I would post some pictures from our Christmas Break that we spent with Bryan's family. It was a hard Christmas for me because I was missing the two very special people in my life but I made it through. Here are some pictures that i took from my new camera the kids got for me - A brand new spankin digital Canon XSi 12 mega pixels - now that a very sweet gift!
BTW most of these pictures are candid shots so bear with me-hope you enjoy

Brett trying to stay serious

My nieces Kelsey and Dani


Bryan's dad - Grandpa looking great it was great to see him!

Kelsey with grandpa

Cody and his new present - an ipod touch

my niece Evan

Celeste-Bryan's sister

Tony-Celeste's husband

my nieces Dani and Ashley (sisters)

Charissa-Bryan's sister with Snicks

Jay-Charissa's husband

Jes and Dani

The gifts for Christmas Bingo

Grandma explaning Christmas Bingo (sorry the picture got blurry I guess I moved the camera)

Cousins - Jes, Evan, Ashley, Dani on the floor by Jes is Abby and Kelsey

Celeste, Grandma and Tony discussing an answer written on the bingo sheet

Jay - still trying to get a good picture of him - he avoided looking at the camera all the time

The cousins just hanging having fun!

And last one of my most favorite pictures - cool huh?
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