Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Prayer request
Monday night on my way home about 5:15 (which was late because of Parent/Teacher Conferences) my co-workers and I came upon a terrible accident scene. Earlier I had heard sirens blaring past our school and as i always do i say a short prayer for the people responding as well as for those who need assistance. Well as we approach the scene all I can see is a truck that looked like an accordion and a taco all in one. It was I prayed again. Needless to say I didn't get home til about 45 minutes later (usually it only takes me about 20-25 minutes to get home) because they re-routed the traffic on the county roads. Anyway Brett had a Cub scout meeting so during the meeting my phone starts vibrating and i didn't check to see who was calling. Well it vibrated again so I decided to answer it. It was a call from my friend Mari Jo telling me that a former student of mine along with his sister, step-mother and step-brother had been involved in the accident and that my former student's step-mother was killed on impact and the children in serious condition and that they were being air lifted to the Children's Hospital in Denver. I was devastated. I got home and let some close friends of mine know the details that I had received and asked them to pray. When I got home a friend of mine who is a trooper with the state patrol called me and gave me some info he felt he could share at the time which wasn't much. Due to next of kin being notified he couldn't really share a lot except to say that the kids were in pretty bad shape he was able to share some of the conditions on the boys but not the little girl. He said it was on of the worst head on collisions that he had seen in a long time.
The next day i kept getting updates but they would change alot and at one time had posted on fb but decided not to post anything more until i was sure all the facts were straight. So here are the facts
Cassandra - killed on impact her son Dante has swelling in his brain and is in an induced coma and will be waking up as soon as the numbers for the ICP (inter-cranial pressure) get closer to the normal number which is below 10. His was above 30 on arrival. Then the doctors will assess for brain damage he also had numerous broken bones, cuts, ect...
Noah, my former student, had plastic surgery on the area surrounding his right eye and the orthopedics team set his right arm. His biggest obstacle right now is his back. His spine was damage in two places, bruising in the thoracic region of the spine and some vertebrae separation in the lumbar region of the spine. Due to one or both of these injuries he currently has no movement or reflexes below the waist, no feeling in his right leg, and very faint feeling in his left leg. the doctors have scheduled him for surgery on Tuesday, November 24th to have four of the vertebrae in the lumbar region fused together, if they don't heal on their own. Right now he has some of the best doctors assessing and working with him with the goal to have Noah regain back some mobility.
Amada has a broken left leg and right arm along with fairly extensive plastic surgery on her forehead and the top of her head as well as on her left leg. She has been sedated since Monday and they will be waking her up soon. Her condition looks great and she should mend fairly well.
Jason will definitely need all of our prayers. Please pray for comfort while he grieves for the loss of his wife; strength and endurance because he has a very long, hard, and difficult road ahead of him. Pray that Dante will come out fine with no brain damage, and for Noah to regain mobility so that he can go back to being the kid who loves to play soccer and loves to ski! Pray that Amada will heal quickly. Also for this family to grieve for the loving wife, mother, daughter, friend they have lost. Last but not least pray for Noah and Amada's mother Kimberly. I know she would appreciate your prayers.
Until next post
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Brett has started Cub Scouts and so far is liking it. He absolutely can't wait to get his uniform and hand booklet to start earning those badges? patches? you know what i mean. As for me I'm a bit overwhelmed with Cub Scouts. I feel like a fish out of water at the meetings but i suppose things will get better in time. He has his Den meeting tomorrow and he just turned in his popcorn order. Can't wait to have some of that delicious popcorn that i ordered, mmmmmm. He is also looking forward to making his design for the pine wood derby race car races that will be held in February. Brett is doing good in school even though he doesn't like school very well.
Cody, believe it or not, is doing wrestling and loving it whoo hoo! Tonight he won his first match but lost his second one and then his third one was won by default because there was no one to wrestle in his weight division. I am so proud of him. He getting some muscle now so everybody better watch out! LOL He definitely stepped out of his comfort zone to do this sport and he is having fun too! He is doing well in school and of course still taking piano lessons.
Jes is taking a break from basketball this year. Not sure what is going on with that. I think she feels like she has let her dad down because she promised him should would continue playing basketball but she can't seem to get motivated to play. I will definitely be checking up on this. As far as school she is doing well still getting A's and B's and really is liking her science classes. She wants to be a vet and is looking at going to school at CSU. BTW that's where her dad went to college. She is planning on getting an internship at one of the local vet clinics here in town. She has been a tremendous help with the bus driving as my mom would have said or was it the chauffeur? She picks up Brett afterschool since Brett started having problems with some kids on the bus. Christina's parents pick Brett up afterschool, since they pick up their grandson too at Park and then Jes picks him up from their house. (BTW Christina is a very dear friend of mine.) Then she picks up Cody from practice on the days that I get home late from work. Then she takes Brett to his Den meetings because his meetings start at 3:30 on Fridays which of course is the time I get off of work in Ignacio. And then she picks up Cody from piano practice on Fridays at 5:00 since I have to pick up Brett at 5:00 from his den meetings. Oh did i mention she also makes sure the boys are out the door in time for school since I leave before they are fully awake? It is alot of responsibility I have put on her shoulders but she hasn't complained and for that i am so thankful.
As far as my work well it is really crazy right now. There seems to not be enough hours in a day to get all that needs to be done. As i am sitting at the bar typing my post Shadow is demanding some attention which makes me have to stop every so often cuz he keeps pawing at me to pet him silly cat! Can anyone say multi-task? I think i need to clone myself into at least 5 of me to get anything done. And to top it all off there has been problems with getting my mothers death certificate correct and I really want to settle her estate. UGH!!!! I am so looking forward to just getting a break at Thanksgiving. I just have to hang in there for at least 9 more days! Yippee. We have been invited to my friend Carie's house. She lives up the valley in Hermosa...I am so very thankful and glad that she's my friend. She's looking out for me!
So until next time...Cecelia, Jes, Cody and Brett
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
the white stuff
Brett has decided to join cub scouts so he's ready to start selling some popcorn (another thing to hit friends up for LOL)
Cody has another wrestling meet tomorrow. He is enjoying it so far even though he hasn't won a match yet...came close to winning one on Saturday.
Jes handled driving with slippery roads this morning. I'm so thankful that she made it to school with no problem. Prayed for her while I was on my way to work which took me 40 minutes rather than the 25 minutes it usually takes me.
Until next post :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Flu season
Well hope this post finds you all surviving the flu season...wash those hands and sanitize, sanitize, sanitize.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thankful Thursdays kids. This morning I think we were all running late and as I was leaving for work (at 7:00) Brett was the only one I saw briefly just to tell him to have a good day and then yelling down stairs (nice huh) i told cody and jes to have a great day. They get themselves ready and out the door to many of us are fortunate to have kids this responsible (ages 17, 13, and 12). I miss seeing them off to school but when you have to be out the door no later than 7:05, in order to be at work by 7:30, they help each other out. Bryan and grandma would be so proud of them. I look forward to getting home and seeing them and just talking with them asking how their day was. Working on having them fix dinner when they get home. Going to cody's conference for school in a bit and he's doing great so far despite all the stuff that's happened in his young life. Jes so far is doing good (A's and B's) and so is Brett...his conference is next week
...thankful that I have not gotten sick especially with the swine flu about...i make sure the kids at school use sanitizer every time they cough or sneeze or blow their nose.
...thankful for the wonderful colors of fall. It is beautiful to see the changing of the leaves on the trees...especially down my street
...thankful for my krazy kids at school...they have been teaching me to be patient and i definitely need alot this year
...thankful for heat. Now that it's getting colder in the mornings it is nice to have heat to stay warm.
What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Getting fit part 2
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hoping to be more fit
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What I am thankful for
So I want to say I'm thankful for...
...hand sanitizer - being around kids who sneeze, cough, and know what I mean
...being able to walk and sort of run - On Wednesdays I will be helping the walking club afterschool and we will do alot of walking before it gets to cold to walk. Yesterday was our first day and after we got the kids all registered we went to the park by the Rec. Center in Ignacio and had the kids run some relays since we didn't have a lot of time to walk. The kids enjoyed it especially when the teachers and parents ran the relays too! You know I couldn't let the kids have all the fun so I ran some too. My knee is paying for it today but I did have a good time. It's only been a year since my knee surgery and I did pretty good.
...weekends - I am so looking forward to the weekend. It can't come fast enough the down side the weekend goes by to fast :(
What are you thankful for?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Our Labor Day weekend

I do apologize for the picture being so small but it came from my camera phone and we were in the 7th row so not to bad. (NOTE to self - I should remember to take my camera with me now that I have started this blog.) I'm must use my camera more often!
Then we decided to go to Telluride just for a drive and to get away from the house. Of course no pictures to show because I didn't take my camera again. The leaves haven't changed yet but they will pretty soon. Anyway we made a huge circle of a drive. Should have know that the passes to Silverton and Ouray would be busy with lots of very slow drivers. We got stuck behind 3 motorcycles that traveled anywhere from 20-25 mph and even slower on the curves on the passes. Just when I thought it would be safe to pass they of course sped up. Then slowed down again. The cars behind me were just as frustrated as I was so what else could we do but creep along them and look at the scenery. Other groups would pull off and then pull back on when a group of cars were behind them. Apparently nobody told this group about having the same courtesy. Just to get to Ouray took almost 3 hrs.
We finally arrived in Telluride, they too had lots of motorcycles plus the Telluride Film Festivals so it was a very happening town for a Sunday. We window shopped, ate lunch, bought some Palisade peaches (last of the season), looked in a few stores and road the gondola. Jes and I walked into a jewelry store just to look. I saw a very beautiful diamond and sapphire tennis bracelet and tried to peak at the price (all through the glass case). The price was more than what I paid for Jes's car YIKES!! Definitely jewelry for the rich and famous. Didn't see anyone famous btw. We arrived home with our peaches and they are delicious mmm, mmm, good!
Hope you all enjoyed this holiday...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thankful Thursday

See what I mean?
Today my heart broke because when I got home he was crying. I asked what had happened and he told me that some kids on the bus were mean to him. Saying that his name was "a girlie name" and that his clothes looked stupid. In the process someone else was spitting spitballs at him. Then he had to walk a short distance from the bus stop to the house and one of the kids got off with him and started kicking rocks at him. Well let me tell you that when this mama heard all of it I was ready to do some serious damage. Even his sister and brother were ready too. Fortunately for those little kids I didn't find them. Anyways I reminded Brett of all the wonderful qualities he has such as...
just to name a few...I mean seriously WHO WOULD WANT TO BE MEAN TO THIS SWEET BOY?! He has been through so much in his young life yet he is still this sweet, precious, innocent, loving son. He has been such a blessing to me. Thank you Lord for giving me such a precious gift to care for and cherish.

Monday, August 31, 2009
I learned how to play music on our blog
Monday, August 24, 2009
School starts
This weekend Brett and I went to Albuquerque for a last minute get-a-way for Brett and some clothes shopping for me which I failed to get when we went to Denver :( We stayed in a hotel which was ok for one night but I would not have stayed there any longer than that, we went to Red Lobster for dinner, went to play Putt Putt Golf and they also had an arcade which Brett loved, and two malls - Coronado Mall and Cottonwood Mall. Whew I'm glad I made it through all of that - was that exhausting or what?!
Here I am - anchor away

I'm taking a break while you are trying to putt and take a picture at the same time mom
Just me and the turtle hanging or better yet - "Peace out dudes"
Don't I look "cool" or what
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Still here
Today is thankful Thursday and in short I'm thankful that
...tomorrow is Friday to do list is getting shorter
...I figured out how to reset the internet connection (big step for me!) i've been without internet connection for 2 whole days - ugh least Jes got herself registered today for school since i couldn't leave work kids have been a huge help since i've returned to work
What are you thankful for?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Survived first week of work
On my agenda for today...washing clothes, school supplies, groceries (oh so much fun...yeah not really)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Last of the summer fun
Here are the kids at the entrance getting ready for some fun...can you tell how excited they are...I can't but maybe it is because the sun was in their eyes
They claim this is the best ride in the park
The kids and I enjoyed our time in Denver shopping, playing, and visiting with family. We returned home yesterday after a very, very, very long trip home. I was not feeling well at all diarrhea, nausea, chills, and just plain miserable...I had to have Jessica drive all the way from Saguache to home. I thank God that Jessica made it safely home and that she can drive otherwise I don't know how we would have made it home. When we got home I went straight to bed. Today I feel a little better and that is good because I had to return to work today. I don't have any more nausea thanking the Lord for that. I am praying for the diarrhea to stop. It is much better than yesterday but it is still here.
Anyway my first day back at work was fun. We went to Towaco today to see the Ute Mountain Ute Pottery store. We had a tour from the start to finish of the production of making pottery. Pretty the end of the tour we got to see how they "hand paint" ALL of the pottery. Truly amazing. After our tour we had the opportunity to make our own design on our mugs. I didn't have my camera so I will post a picture when I get the mug maybe by next week. I did purchase a pot because I couldn't resist! I even got a discount which was a blessing. My mug is not even close by a long shot. Not bad for my first day back to work! Tomorrow is going to be a loooooooong day.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thankful Thursdays
Here are some picture to share just because I wanted too
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Bed Part 2
Sweet Dreams my sweet "Angel Boy"
Monday, August 3, 2009
New bed
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Just hanging
Thursday, July 30, 2009
It's thankful Thursday
Anyway so many things to be thankful for...
- For good health and that my cousin is alive. J. who is about 32 years old had a heart attack a couple of days ago. The doctor said his arteries were pretty bad and that he is lucky to be alive.
- For good friends. God has sent me some very good friends that I have depended upon a lot this year and with my mom's passing...Linn, Carie, Karen, Christina, Shawna...may God richly bless them. Thank you God for blessing me with such wonderful friends.
- For fresh sweet corn...yum, yum, yum
- For fruit that is in season {peaches, cantalope, honeydew, ect... :)}
- For flip-flops...I don't like wearing shoes
- I'm thankful for my mom...she takes very good care of me!
- I'm thankful for my new bedroom set. Now I will sleep pretty good.
It's Thankful
Thankful school is not starting yet and I still have alittle bit of summer...I'm also thankful that we get summer breaks:)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our new Toy
Anyway the kids and I went to American Home Furnishings to look for some bar stools and an umbrella for the table outside. Didn't find any so then we went to the Mall just to window shop. We enter in at Dillard's and I remembered that a friend of mine has her bridal registry at Dillard's. (She is getting married in September). So as I was waiting for some help Jessica noticed "THE JUICER" the exact one I had been looking for on-line but seemed to be "out of stock". Boy did this make my day...Cody said "mom we should get that" so that is what I did.
So guess what we have done with our new toy. We made juice from strawberries, grapes, honeydew, apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, and lettuce.
We want to try adding some cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, and other veggies along with watermelon, pears, peaches, and other fruits. Cody will definitely have his daily servings of veggies this he said.
The best part is drinking our creations...and clean up is not too bad...fairly easy and I like that!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Moms Memorial
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
PS - a celebration of life
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A celebration of life

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My Thankful Thursday on Wednesday - My sweet handsome boy CODY! we were preparing for our trip tomorrow he said that he wanted to cut his hair. I asked him if he was sure and he said yes. Now for some background about his hair. Since he was 6 yrs. old he didn't want his hair to be cut. I remember asking him why and he said so people will know that I am a Native American. So we started growing his hair. Growing our hair is not about being vain but it is about tradition and strength. It helps to identify who you are in our culture. Some natives believe it involves the spiritual part of you as well. It all differs in how you were brought up. When someone passes on we show respect by cutting our hair if you want to. Now why would he want to cut his hair? I believe it had to do with people mistaking him for a girl. Now come on people does this picture look like a girl...I think NOT!!! You know he actually had a comment written about his hair in the editorial section of the newspaper, which was written by a student at his school and they used his name...I was not to happy about that so I better not get started talking about it because it just ignorance on their part and for anybody else who thinks that any male who grows their hair long is a girl...
So back to the part where he said he wanted his hair cut before we leave, I said okay are you sure? Yes mom, I'm ready for a change is what he said. Then just to tell you all how caring and thoughtful he is he said I want to donate my hair to LOCKS of LOVE which, I'm sure you all know about, is hair donations of lengths of at least 10 inches that goes towards making wigs for under privileged children who have lost their hair due to sickness. His hair was about 12 or so inches long...That's my Cody!
Here he is getting ready to donate - he looks good and it is taking me a while getting used to seeing his new look - he still is a handsome young man and still Native American
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thankful Thursdays

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Where to start?
Well as promised I am adding more stuff, well a picture or two at least. I need to get my house in order because it is such a mess it is so bad that I can't even see the dinning room table...YIKES!! I don't event want to show you the picture of that!..The kids are not to happy about cleaning up but I told them the faster they get it done the more time we will have for fun!!!
Not sure about the ice cream picture can't seem to get it to cooperate with me but oh well....hope you all have a blessed day